Crazy Shadows in
Monte Carlo Go Histograms

Crazy Analysis by CrazyStone, programmer: Remi Coulom. The site shows examples from the bot "Crazy Stone, 2012 Edition".

In each diagram the x-axis means the outcome of the random games, given in absolute points. In most diagrams it ranges from about +150 to -150 points. Wins for White are given on the left side in the diagrams: originally coloured in white; in some diagrams I changed the colour to red for artistic reasons. Wins for Black are on the right side, given in colour black. The y-axis shows the frequencie by which the corresponding results occur.

Special human weapon against bots: produce multiple Semeais!

In a "normal" go game the outcomes of random games are distributed like in these Gauss-shaped histograms. These are from a game won by bot "Crazy Stone" against Catalin Taranu (5p), where the bot had 4 handicap stones.

Bots can run in evaluation problems when the position has some local fights which are not fully resolved, yet. Here, "not fully resolved" can mean that the outcomes of the fights are obvious for humans but not for bots who rely on random games. The diagrams in this picture are from another game between Crazy Stone and Catalin Taranu, where the human successfully created a position which were difficult to evaluate for Monte Carlo with its random game evaluations.

One more example from the small 13x13-board. This is from one of only two games lost by bot Pachi in the Congress tournament. (The other lost game happened due to the fact that the bot acted according to a wrong komi value.) Alex Ketelaars, a strong 1-dan from the Netherlands, was White and managed to bring Pachi in a position with several local fights that were formally not resolved...

All three games were played during the European Go Congress in Bonn, July and August 2012. The numbers in the diagrams are the move numbers after which the statistics were taken. The histograms were generated by the nice analysis tool of "Crazy Stone".

Warning: This approach does not work in every single game of a human against a Monte Carlo bot!

Side effect: some of the pictures look really nice. When I meditated about the diagrams for some time I finally got the idea to call them "Crazy Shadows".

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